Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Work on Visual Memoirs

Goal: Make progress on your digital memoir slides.

Books out
Planners open

Grades: Don't Panic!

  • We have reached that part of the semester when students begin to worry more about their grades. 
  • Today we will explain more about how your grade is calculated and what to do if you need to improve your grade. 
  • Please note: Extra credit is not an option. However, you can request a regrade on major writing assignments after you revise them. (See Request a Re-grade tab above.)
Work on Visual Memoirs: 
  • By the end of class today you should have all the pictures you need in your slides to tell your story. 
  • Remember to use pictures from http://photosforclass.com or your own images. 
  • Use the slide notes section to write the words you would say to go with the pictures. Don't put words on your slides. 
  • Read. You should be finishing book #2 this week. Its fine if you are starting book #3. 
  • Catch up if you didn't finish the AOW from Friday in your English Journal. 
  • A few of you still need to call in your dramatic reading. 
  • A few also still have release forms to return. 

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