Monday, October 23, 2017

Inferring, evaluation, reporting and reflecting

Goal: Reading for implications, quiz evaluation, reporting, and reflection.

Add to Novel Reading Chart chart
Evaluate Quizes and Report Scores
Write in English Journal

Add to implications chart: 
Go to "shared with me" in your Google Drive and find the doc called Novel Reading Chart. 
Add an entry about what you read today and what those events could mean. 

Evaluate Quizes: 
Open the quiz your group made last week. 
Discuss how you will evaluate those responses. 
Report your evaluations using THIS FORM

Vivian Apple:
Discuss the questions as a group

English Journal Quick Write: 
Last week you made a quiz, took a quiz, and today you scored a quiz. Write about the process in your English Journal. 
  1. What did you learn in that process? 
  2. What do you know now about your book, your group, yourself, or assessments in general that you didn't know before? 
  3. What will you do differently the next time you take (or make) a quiz? 
Keep reading

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