Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Précis Check and a First Read

Goals: Checking in on your précis from yesterday and a first read of a
new text.

Check your précis
First reading of "Big Brother Meets Big Mother"

Precis Check:
  • Open your English Journal.
  • Do you have a précis at the top dated 12/5?
  • If not how can you fix that?
  • Is your précis correct? Let's check.
First read of a new text:
  • I think you're going to like "Big Brother Meets Big Mother."
  • It is shared with you in your Google Drive.
  • Use the "Say Something" protocol with your partner.
Quick Write:
  • After you finish the "Say Something" protocol, open your English Journal and write two paragraphs.
  • The first paragraph is about your discussion. Include TWO interesting things that your partner said. 
  • The second paragraph is your opinion about "Big Brother Meets Big Mother." What do you think about Goodman's argument?

  • Keep reading. 
  • Look for books you need to return or donate. 
  • Turn in your group novel.  

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