Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Review of Book #4

Goal: Complete your review of your independent reading book, for book #4.

Review of Book #4

Review of Book #4:
  1. Open the "Book Review 17-18" doc shared with you in Google Drive. (This is the same doc you used to write your review of book #3.)
  2. Put your cursor ABOVE your review of book #3 and add a new entry for Review of Book #4
  3. Write your review. Finish for homework tonight. 
  4. Tips: When you write about how the book ended be sure to include what you thought about the way it ended. 
  5. Make sure this is in your book review doc and NOT in your English Journal. 
  • Food Drive. We have a box for JROTC where you can drop off non-perishable, canned food. 
  • If you know of a PLHS family who needs additional food for the winter break let me know. 
  • This grading period ends on Friday. All regrade requests are due by 2:30PM Friday. (Some of you may want to work on your memoir or your visual memoir.)
  • Group novels are due back to the library. If you still have yours return it asap. 

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